Your opinion of Fall is dependent upon whether you are an optimist or a pessimist. An optimist will see beauty in the colors, the kooky Halloween costumes, the cool breeze that smells of leaves, the joy of spending time with family and friends, the sting of hot apple cider, and the excitement of football games. The pessimist will see the ending of a life cycle, gray skies, the sadness of packing away shorts and flip flops, and the demise of frozen treats for the season. However you view this Fall 2013 season, know that it is full of wonderful learning experiences for young children.
Leaf Art inspired by Reggio Emilia.
Children love to explore and we know that their play is their work. So allow them to experience this new season through their eyes. Encourage them to help you collect leaves, sticks, pine cones, and hay. Nurture their curiosity as they help clean out a pumpkin. Stimulate their minds as the children monitor the falling temperatures, and even chart them. Have them decide what to do with the seeds inside the gourds. Encourage the children to create a recipe for pumpkin soup, pumpkin pie, or pumpkin bread. Help them research what is happening when the leaves change color and fall. Support them as they pick apples, wash them, and eat them. When we allow children to explore their interests with all of their senses, they discover more than we could ever think possible.
If helping children to learn is something with which you are very passionate, it may be time to take your passion further! Explore your higher education options in West Virginia and then give T.E.A.C.H. WV a call. We can help you with your education goals by providing you with partial tuition assistance, book reimbursement, travel costs, and a bonus for completing your contract. Call or visit us on the web for more information.
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