Monday, November 18, 2013

Tips for Acing Your Finals

As the end of the semester approaches, students begin to dread their final exams. Finals can come in many forms: comprehensive, chapter specific, multiple choice, essays, projects, etc. Whatever form your final takes, it is best to be prepared by knowing and understanding the material. Here are some tips to help!

  1. Study in chunks of time:

Research has suggested that cramming in a large amount of information is not very helpful for retention of said information. Researchers suggest that studying for 20-50 minutes at a time, with a 10-15 minute break. For best results, you should study throughout one week before your exam.

     2.   Listen to some upbeat classical music:

          Some music has the intense ability to activate both sides of the brain while listening.  
          Stimulation of both sides of the brain is linked to increased recall. Mozart's music has been
          found to increase this effect. Do watch out though, because certain other research suggests
          that the information learned during this time may be harder to recall when you are no longer

     3.   Switch up your study spots:

While we hope that you have a distraction free zone to accomplish your studying, we would still suggest changing it up a little. Sometimes, while we are studying we inadvertently allow ourselves to get distracted. You'll realize after reading 5 pages that you have no idea what you just read because your mind was wandering. It is important to switch up your study spots until you can find one where you can fully concentrate on the material.
     4.   Drink cocoa:
          Cocoa, prepared properly, can sustain energy and enhance mood, with little crash. For optimum results, dissolve a spoonful of organic cocoa into a mug of milk. Add some espresso, cinnamon, and cayenne for optimal energy!
     5.   Prevent Test Anxiety:

Many of us are quite familiar with test anxiety. That gripping fear of the unknown is terrifying and can be downright debilitating. So make sure to calm yourself before the test by picturing yourself acing the test. You know the material, you can do it. Another strategy to try is to stress yourself while you study and then use calming techniques such as taking deep breaths or stretching then. This will help you practice the steps you may need to take to calm yourself while testing.

Whatever strategy you use to help you study and ace your finals, know that your T.E.A.C.H. Counselor is here to help. Give us a call, we can ease your mind about your scholarship and we can lend an ear for venting if necessary. If you are not a T.E.A.C.H. recipient, but would like to pursue a degree in early childhood education. Please give me a call at 304-529-7603 Extension 118. I would be glad to assist you in any way possible!

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