Looking for a little adventure this weekend? Look no further than your home state of West Virginia. While taking a quick weekend break from studying, working, and/or all of the other mundane tasks of daily life, check out these activities. Choose one and be on your way to an exciting weekend!
"Haunted House" at the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum
Lewis county WV offers some Halloween scares with a tour through the halls of this once reputable hospital. Visit their website at
http://trans-alleghenylunaticasylum.com/ for more information.
Shepherdstown Halloween Boo! Fest
Head up and over to Jefferson county first Boo! Fest. The Boo!Fest will begin with a "Vampire Ball" at the Community Club the evening
of Friday, October 25, and conclude with the town's traditional
trick-or-treating on German Street on Halloween night, October 31. In
between, there will be a wide variety of activities that everybody can enjoy,
with a special emphasis on activities for children and families. Most
activities will be free and everyone will be welcome. Check out their website for more details
Haunted Trail- Little Beaver State Park
Take a relaxing stroll through the park of Raleigh County, if you dare! Enjoy fourteen nights of ghosts and goblins during a stroll on our haunted
trail. Fun for all ages. Activity from 7-10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 7 -
11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Fee based.Visit
http://www.littlebeaverstatepark.com/ to learn more ghoulish details.
Night of the Living Dead- Kanawha Players Theater
Watch this classic film performed live, in Charleston.This show will be performed entirely in black and white except for the
BLOOD! Fall out from a satellite probe shot to Venus returns to Earth
carrying a mysterious radiation that transforms the unburied dead into
flesh-eating zombies. Seven people trapped in an isolated farmhouse, held
hostage by the ravenous ghouls, begin to turn on each other as the dead
encroach. A gripping terror-filled monochromatic play that brings all the fright
of the cult classic to life. This blend of thrilling horror laced with touches
of black humor envelops the audience in the action and unfolds into a shocking
theatrical ending. For more thrilling details visit
Haunted Hay Ride in Grafton
The woods become truly scary this night. Boo!This hayride is designed for good
clean family fun. Bring the gang out and support the park foundation, Friday and
Saturday. $1.00 per person per ride Sponsored by the Tygart Lake State Park
Foundation. Visit
http://www.wvstateparks.com/calendar.html for more information.
Annual Fright Nights at Glade Springs
Tucked away in the beautiful valleys of Raleigh County, you will find something horrifying. Fright Nights Scarefest! Three haunted attractions at one location. Haunted Trail and 3D Haunt, Zombie Hunt and Hayride of Horror. Lights Off Haunted Trail Tour on Halloween Night! Open October 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26 and 31. . Ticket prices vary by event. Visit them on Facebook at
http://www.facebook.com/frightnightswv for more information!
The Haunted Catwalk-Bridge Walk-New River Gorge Bridge
The bad news is, we've missed bridge day. It was last weekend. The good news is, you can still test your fears or need for excitement on the New River Bridge. On October 25, 28 and 27, Bridge Walk invites you, your family, and friends to walk underneath the New River Gorge Bridge Who knows what lurks in the Bridge’s shadows and below? The Haunted Walk is a guided tour on the catwalk of the New River Gorge Bridge with “scaracters,” props, and “rigatronics” designed to intentionally scare the walkers. You will be fastened to a safety system. Shrill shrieks, screams, and groans are just part of the experience that awaits the brave walkers. There will also be body parts, spider webs, dressed creatures, and hanging “things.” "Don't touch the scaracters and they won't touch you." This is not for the faint-of-heart. October evenings can be chilly. Please dress accordingly in WARM costumes and comfortable walking shoes or boots. This is an outdoor event lasting approximately two hours. Some limitations/restrictions may apply For more information check out
The Zombie Corn Maze- Milton, WV
In a quiet little town in Cabell County, WV, zombies lie in wait. The maze will be recruiting adventurers to help control the ever growing zombie population. Come out for a night of blasting zombies with paintball guns! For more information about how you can prevent the impending zombie apocolypse visit
These are only eight of the exciting adventures that you can find this weekend in Wild and Wonderful! Let your hair blow free, scream at the top of your lungs expectantly, and eat tons of fabulous food. You'll feel refreshed and ready to get back to work and school!
Let T.E.A.C.H. WV take the scare out of going back to school. Give us a call or send an email for more information. 304-529-7603/ teachwv@rvcds.org